
Grace and Hope Mission Inc.
Jersey City, New Jersey
Bernice F. Becker, Superintendent

Chapter History

The 'scouting work' for a new mission location began in 1950 when the Lord led our founder, Mamie E. Caskie, Ruth Carlson and Estelle J. Clasing to this city to open a branch of Grace and Hope Mission.

A suitable hall was rented and renovated at the Five Corners section of the city, 633 Newark Avenue. On September 16, 1951 the first service was conducted with many of the neighborhood children and adults in attendance.

The Lord blessed the work and the seed that was sown bore fruit. Out of this beginning came three Grace and Hope missionaries who attended the services, Sunday school and Bible clubs as children.

In January of 1955 we purchased a building at 90 Newark Avenue in the downtown section of the city. The work continued there for the next 45 years. However, downtown began to change considerably and we felt the Lord was leading us to a new location. On February 27, 1991, we held our first service at our present location, 152 Mallory Avenue.

Besides the spiritual help that is offered at the mission there are calls for material help. Food and clothing are cheerfully given to those in need.

In all activities and endeavors we seek to glory the Lord.

Grace and Hope Mission Inc.

162 Mallory Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07304-1218
Services Sunday, 8 p.m.
Sunday School, 11 :30 a.m.
Adult Bible Class, Wednesday, 8 p.m.

Event Program


162 Mallory Avenue
Dorothy H. Sweeney, Superintendent

Time for conference once again. Where does the time go?

God's Word tells us how swiftly the days go by. Paul tells us to "redeem the time" because the days are evil. May we use every opportunity to win souls for Christ because the time is swiftly passing.

Someone has said, "If your burden seems great, remember this: 'Daily prayers lessen daily cares!"

We want to express our appreciation for all who stood by us this past year with their presence and their prayers and offerings. We are "laborers together" with God. We are trusting the Lord for great things as we faithfully serve Him.

We are reminded again of the goodness and faithfulness of God; we praise Him for all He has done for us. "We walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor. 5:7).

We were very happy to have my sister, Marilyn D. Becker, visit us for a few days. Her message in word and song was enjoyed by all.

Continue to pray for the work here in Jersey City. Jesus said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Matt. 7:7).


Board of Trustees
President Emeritus:
Vice President:
2nd Vice President:
Board Member:
Board Member:
Gunhild Carlson
Estelle J. Clasing
Amy M. Pooley
Marlea M. Gutchess
Bernice F. Becker
Helen D. Meewes